
Monday, December 1, 2014

Alpha Sapphire: First Impressions

Last Friday, I raced home, pushed a few people down the stairs running to my tube station and opened the post box with such a frenzy that I almost tore the door off. For it was finally the UK release of Pokemon: Alpha Sapphire, and sure enough, my copy was waiting for me after waiting impatiently all day at home.

Sadly, I haven't even had that much time to play it. Me and my team have just landed on Dewford. Nevertheless, am super happy about getting to replay my favourite game again with pretty 3DS graphics. Please excuse my awful photos; my home WiFi won't allow my DS in and I haven't been bothered to change it yet. I PROMISE I WILL so I can show you everything nice and shiny.

SO, what are my first impressions?

 It's hard writing on this game as I'm unsure what to compare it to - Pokemon Sapphire or Pokemon X. Naturally, there are staggering differences from Alpha to standard Sapphire. I'll focus mostly on X as it's what's freshest in my head and probably the best comparison considering the massive development differences since Sapphire - which came out in 2002, if you can believe it!!!

 The game looks impressive and slick as ever. I found the change from Black to X (that's the way I did it..) quite dramatic, as, for the first time, a Pokemon game felt less like a Pokemon game and more like Animal Crossing. It's hard to pinpoint why Alpha Sapphire feels more like Pokemon again; maybe it's the familiarity with the Hoenn region, maybe it's because I've played X as a way to ease myself in. Despite that, the point of view is more comfortably third person and more 'Pokemon' - although they still play around with angles and point of view, it doesn't feel as extreme or different as X.

My arrival at Dewford

 The game still follows on a lot from the new developments from X. EXP share is given to you early and it gives EXP to all your Pokemon. It also doesn't split the EXP gained as much, making it a lot easier to level up your whole team, making it more akin to a generic RPG. Likewise, your Pokemon also gains EXP (full) even if you catch a Pokemon. Whilst this helps in encouraging people to try and catch them all (after all, you don't lose out on some potentially good EXP,) it again, makes it a lot easier - so far, my Pokemon are already at a higher level than they previously have been when I've played this game on my good old DS Lite.

 The battle system is similar, yet again, to X. Haven't experienced any mega evolutions - in fact, they haven't even been mentioned in game yet - but the animation is still an incredible step up from the older DS lite games.

 In fact, the biggest new feature - excluding the nav/dex updates which change with every game - that I've found so far in my small playtime of just over 2 hours (pitiful I know... I had a busy weekend, okay?) is the new 'sneak' feature. Again, much like an RPG, you can now sneak up on Pokemon. Whilst previous games had the rustling grass hinting at a rare Pokemon, you now get a notification on your DexNav screen (a magnifying glass pops up) and you get a sound and the silhouette of a Pokemon will pop it. It'll either be an uncommon Pokemon, or a Pokemon with a rare move. They do seem to be quite frequent however - I ran into an endless amount of Slakoths in Petalburg Woods.

SO, moving onto what is often, asides from the graphics, the biggest change between each Pokemon game. The navigator system. From memory, (because there have really been a lot of Pokemon games,) this came into play in the original Ruby and Sapphires under PokeNav (developed from the PokeGear, which was a communication device.) Now, we have the PokeNav Plus, the new, updated version which makes full use of the DS's dual screens.

The DS is used SO much better in these later games than it was previously. The first Pokemon DS games, Diamond and Pearl, used the bottom screen well in battles (basically as they do now,) but failed to make the bottom screen that useful outside of battle. They've now finally done what I've always wanted them to do, and included the map down there. No longer do you have to rummage through your bag in 'key items' for your 'town map' (okay, they stopped that a while ago, I know.) Instead, you have the option, under AreaNav, to have your map there all the time!

Another pretty useful feature is the DexNav. Here, it shows the kinds of Pokemon that can be found in an area. From what I've worked out (I didn't pay attention when the guy telling me what it did was talking all too much,) most of them only show up after you've encountered them. Still pretty useful to quickly remember what turns up where (and it does show silhouettes of Pokemon you can encounter so unless you completed missed 'who's that Pokemon' as a child, you should be able to figure it out.) I'm not sure if it shows you ALL the Pokemon you can catch (including rare ones,) but I'm hoping it doesn't as it'd take away some of the fun in entering a new area and having something surprising jump out at you. This is also the thing that has the magnifying glass pop up on.

PlayNav combines the few in game 'apps' that were the main players in X's bottom screen - Pokemon Amie and Super Training are both there, as is the Play With Others app (which name I can't remember and that I won't check.) I tried these out a bit in the last game but am never that into mini-games, (only exception is the captivating 'Mesal Gear Solid' which was in Ape Escape 3, and which I played entirely in Japanese.) I also don't really play games to interact with people (I am the online gaming nightmare,) plus I don't have any friends with Pokemon and/or a 3DS, so haven't tried out any online features.

Lastly installed on there (for now...) is BuzzNav, which is basically their version of the radio app in the PokeNav. Instead, it's a news app that gives you little stories and updates - mine's currently showing the kidnapping of Peeko. There's a capability to do stuff with others with a DS on it, but since, like I mentioned, I don't know anyone with one so haven't tried that yet.

Basic features aside, let's get started on my lifeblog journey: so, who's my team? I've gone for my usual starter of Torchic - because BLAZIKEN is the only starter Pokemon given the prestigious rank of UBER on Pokemon showdown. Because it is literally that badass. Chiklet (YES of COURSE I name all my Pokemon silly cutesy things) has just evolved into a Combusken.

I've also picked up PEEBO (my alternative to PEEKO, who I fell in love with in the anime)

Peebo was the main player in my battle against first Gym Leader Roxanne, which was pretty easy. Despite a Rock Throw almost taking him out in one hit, Peebo managed to obliterate with water gun. Rock gym as the first gym is always pretty simple.

After some evening wandering, caught a Shroomish (Blum,) who I will evolve into my poison heal powerhouse that is Breloom. I LOVE Breloom. Thoroughly underrated Pokemon. Although I'm pretty well equipped to handle Brawly (Chiket still has peck,) and of course Peeko's Wing Attack should have no problems, I'm sure Blum will be able to throw some moves.

Anyway, that sums up my little bit of gameplay and some fairly long-winded first impressions. Stay tuned for Brawly's imminent beat down and I'M ON DEWFORD I CAN CATCH AN ARON NOW!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Celebrating the Mage

[Note: classes are serious business in RPGS. The mage can go by many other names/variations i.e. medic, healer, etc etc but let's class it as "magic user" in this. Also note that this is based on my experience of games and there are OF COURSE, countless and countless games I haven't played with all various other types of magic and users. This is very general, but I'd love to learn more so throw comments at me!] 

This is the first part of my little series of articles on YOUR BASIC RPG CLASS CHARACTERS.  I wasn't really thinking about posting something like this, until I got into a little argument with Vanille in Final Fantasy 13 (it was very one sided,) which basically went along the lines of "VANILLE STOP HEALING YOURSELF HEAL ME FIRST IF I DIE, WE ALL DIE." So, despite Vanille's downfalls as a medic, let's celebrate the mage! I will be discussing some of the different types of mages I've come across and what I like about them/why they are great and should definitely have a place on your team. BRAWN, MOVE OVER.

Offensive Mage
Depending on the game, magic users tend to be very important and also very awesome in most RPGS.

Super super cool re-render by John-Lozano on Deviantart

 I've learnt through gaming that most games like systems and rules - which is great, because I love learning them. In class/job based RPGS, you thus tend to have abilities limited to certain jobs. Your soldier may be able to use some simple magic, but it's going to be your mage that does the real damage. In games that let you choose your own jobs, thus, it makes sense for you to have your character with the highest magic power be your mage.

 And games like you to have to strategise and carefully form your party. That's a whole part of the fun of them really - carefully thinking through who you will need to defeat this boss. High physical defense but weak magic defense? That's where your mage comes in.

Magic also (usually - again, this is all presumption) is element based, meaning it can come in many forms. Whilst this is fun because it gives you a whole range of moves to choose from, it also allows you to be tactical in fighting your enemy: what are they weak against? What will deal the most magic? Games have always been about strategy, and magic is especially great because it opens up whole new realms of strategy that physical combat can't often give.

And you will undoubtedly at some point face an enemy who can barely be touched by physical moves. STAND ASIDE LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, THE OFFENSIVE MAGE IS HERE.

Status-Dealing Mages
A lot of the times, these will be clumped in as either offensive ('black') or defensive ('white') mages. Final Fantasy: Tactics had their 'green' mage as the status inflicter. These mages (or these moves,) are used to protect your team, or destroy the enemy through status effects.

I never really used to use them before (oh, naive young me,) preferring to finish off battles quickly and mostly with an all-out offense. Particularly difficult battles, however, can definitely be made easier if you're clever with your defensive and offensive statuses.

Defensive statuses can be amazing against tough enemies - ESPECIALLY when you can use them several times and boost your defenses up to ridiculously amazing. Offensive statuses, however, are often looked past because at the end of the day, they take up round time and often it's easy to get into the mentality that you should may as well just keep attacking head on with big damage, as opposed to little draining damage. However, little draining damage, as you probably know when you've been inflicted with it yourself, is a complete and utter pain! Successfully casting a poison, sleep or slow on your enemy will just make the battle so much easier for you.

Final Fantasy XIII (I KNOW, I keep banging on about Final Fantasy but this is basically 70% of my thoughts on a day to day basis) ramped up the status mage by having two roles: SYNERGIST and SABOTEUR. Syn boosts the party/protects the party, whilst Sab casts nasty magic to slowly drain and well, sabotage, the enemy. Whilst it is a bit of a pain having the roles separate, I've also found it incredibly useful to have a sab/syn team, as it tends to make it much easier to get those bosses with ridiculously high def/hp but also strong attack.

So, status based mages perhaps aren't as effective in everyday ~ random encounters ~, but use them properly and save them for the sluggish matches and they will become at least 40% easier, probably.

Healing Mages
And perhaps the biggest one to celebrate - the blessed medic. Anyone who's faced any overpowered bosses with ridiculous attacks that take out 90% of your HP in one go know to worship the medic. If it weren't for them throwing constant cures/heals etc at you, you would have been knocked out a long time ago.

The only sad thing for medics is that - well - they essentially have only a supporting role. Sure, it's super important and a lot of the time you can't do without it, but for pure mages who can literally only do white/healing magic, you imagine it would be...well... a little boring. Systems that allow you to switch out and change your party in battle handle this well, but when a battle isn't particularly difficult, the healing mage often just sits back.

I NEVER understood why Atoli of .Hack//GU: Rebirth wanted to be a magic and follow my dumb ass around healing me.

Naturally, the best compromise is a general mage who can perform black and white magic, and a system that allows you to prioritise healing when it's needed (whether you choose it yourself in turn-based or set conditions that allow this.) A lot of games do allow all characters to use not just healing spells, but all spells. This is really the best case scenario, even though limitations on how many moves/attacks you're allowed to have may make it very difficult for you to make a decision!

Unfortunately, for some other games, this is just TOO GREAT and puts way too much power in one character. FF compromised by creating the 'red mage' class - a mage who could perform both types of magic but was limited to only performing low level magic. Super useful early on in the game, but given that you'll find a need for high level curing spells later on, it's always worth investing heavily in a good white mage. 

The original medic

 So what have we learned from this summary? Mages are very cool.

Not only that, but they are an integral part of any RPG, and many systems would fall apart without them. Furthermore, there is SO MUCH potential with mages and magic in games and so much more out there than my measly observations on a few games. Go forth and explore!

What's your favourite system of magic?
What kind of magic do you like using most?
What's the best mage class/who is the best mage in a game you've come across?
What game has used magic the most innovatively?



Thursday, November 20, 2014


*Throws revives*

Welcome back blog! I've decided to resuscitate my blog because (a) I need somewhere to vent about Final Fantasy XIII (which I'm replaying) and (b) to celebrate the monumental occasion that is happening next week... the release of...


So excited for my version to land in the mailbox next week! 

To start off with, I will be logging my Alpha Sapphire adventure. Gen III of the Pokemon games has always been my favourite (I had Ruby on my GBA, decided to change things up going with Sapphire this time.) I will, however, not be changing things with with my starter, which is a given: TORCHIC! Because -

Really looking forward to what the game has to offer. Despite feeling slightly too much like I was in Animal Crossing for the first part of it, I grew to love X's interface. The graphics really are a big jump up and I'm excited to see how Hoenn translates over.

Also looking forward to seeing if I can destroy Watson in one go this time (WHY did I always have trouble with him in the past? We'll find out now...) 

Exciting reason (c) for me restarting my blog and taking it in a general video game based direction, is the forthcoming arrival of my birthday PS4! Dragon Age: Inquisition SHALL be ordered in short time. The real wait, of course, is for Final Fantasy XIV but we'll see if that actually does end up coming out at some point next year. And let's not even think about Kingdom Hearts 3...

So basically, I'm super excited to be launching this as a platform for me to rant about things I love to rant about. I'm already very eager to post about THE WEIRDEST GAMEBOY KNOCKOFFS I HAVE COME ACROSS AND PLAYED (living in Asia has exposed me to some weird knockoffs...) 


... as well as some detailed analysis of some of the most difficult fights I've faced (hopefully with input from others, I seem to stupidly struggle with some really simple bosses but manage to easily defeat others - each to their own, I guess!) Best villains, most shocking parts of storylines (Yes, Aeris, I know,) and most importantly, a RANKING OF THE BEST CHOCOBOS. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Review: Lana Del Rey's 'Ultraviolence'

 It's premature, I know, but if somebody asked me what my favourite album of the whole of 2014 was, I would probably say Ultraviolence. Yes, I am super bias, being a massive Lana Del Rey fan, but given that Born to Die is one of my favourite records, I was both excited and skeptical to see whether Ultraviolence would live up.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Help! How do I gym?

FINALLY finished with exams! I'm a liar, ok, I finished ages ago. I've just been busy trying to sort my life out and now I can finally relax and do the things I like to do... there's been a lot of video games, going to the gym, and tidying. Aren't I just wild?!

Anyway, I've started going to the gym with one of my friends who has never been before and asked me if I could go with her to show her the ropes. Being sad as I am, I've spent a lot of time researching health and fitness for fun and know my way around quite well, so I've compiled a little post about what to do if you have no idea what to do!

Of course, although I'd say I was well read, I'm still definitely not a professional! If it's your first time, take it easy, stop if it hurts where it's not meant to (i.e. not the body part you are training,) and push yourself... but not too hard. These are just some tips on what I've found makes a good workout and what I personally like doing, and what I tend to recommend to friends. I've also included some resources!

Resistance Resistance Resistance!
First thing is, try not to do just cardio!!! You will also see those people who just run on the treadmill or use the cross-trainer. There's nothing wrong with cardio at all if you like it, but I've found a mix of everything is more fun, and gets you fitter more efficiently and quickly. There are loads of health benefits (2, 3, 4, yes, even for women!) to weight lifting and resistance training that you won't get with your miles.

So where to start with weights and resistance?

My favourite is body-weight resistance based circuits. I usually do circuits in sets of 4 moves each circuit, and I do all moves twice before moving onto circuit 2. Then after circuit 2, repeat both. Body weight resistance (i.e. moves like press ups, jump lunges etc,) are good because they don't require equipment, just your body, but if you do them right you will definitely feel your muscles working! It also means you can do them anywhere, if it's a nice day, they're lovely to do outside! Google is your friend here, there are so many different moves you can do and eventually you can pick your favourite, most effective ones and build your own circuits. Tumblr, Youtube, Pinterest etc are also a gold mine of these. (1, 2, 3,)
Circuits are great because they can target certain areas, but due to the high intensity of a lot of moves, particularly plyometric (jumping) circuits, you also get some cardio in. WIN, WIN. Because you will usually be changing up your moves every 30s - 60s, you don't really have the time to get bored as well.

Most gyms (pretty sure I've never seen one without,) will also have weight machines to use. They're also a good way of targeting certain muscle groups depending on the machine. Make sure you know how to use a machine before you try, and don't overdo it on the weight you're lifting! Ask someone who works there if you're not sure, and make sure you read the instructions. Watching other people use them and copying them helps too - as long as they're using it correctly!

Combination / Changing it up
In order for me to feel like I've had a good workout, I like to do all of the following:
(1) Cardio warm up / Cardio Session
(2) Resistance Circuits
(3) Stretches/Yoga
This means I get my cardio in and heart rate up, work on my muscle groups, and get to stretch it out and cool down a bit with stretches (usually the best part in all honesty.) This also stops your workout getting BORING.

Warm Up 
For a cardio warmup, it can be anything steady-state that gets your heart going. Most gyms will have rowing machines, treadmills, cross trainers, stationary bikes, stair masters and all the like (they're usually grouped together as well.) All of them are different and target different areas, but as primary cardio machines, they'll be good for burning calories and fat and getting your heart rate up. Try 15 minutes running on the treadmill/cross trainer, or you could walk, row, or cycle. Up to you.

Resistance Circuits  
The main thing with circuits is to plan ahead. Know what circuits you'll be doing ahead of time. The point of circuits is that they're a fast, efficient workout, so you don't want to be letting your heart rate constantly drop by standing there figuring out what to do next. Write them down, get some pictures on your phone, tablet, whatever. Then you can find a space, get the equipment you need and smash out a quick but effective workout.

Yoga / Cool Down 
I've never done yoga properly, but I like looking at moves and picking a few I'd like to try and that I think will stretch me out nicely. What stretches are best depend on what you're trying to stretch really - legs ones are always good if you like to run (like me,) and if you're working on overall flexibility, try a whole range and mix it up often! Find a little space and a mat, and print out a sheet or get some helpful charts on your phone etc and copy them.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
 HIIT workouts are growing in popularity. Like circuits, they constantly change it up, are quick, and efficient workouts. As the name suggests, HIIT consists of a certain amount of high intensity cardio, followed by a rest period, and repeated (intervals.)

HIIT can be done with basically any cardio machine. You can cycle madly for 1 min, and cool down for 2, you can go hard on the cross trainer for 30s and rest for 30s, or you can sprint 30s on the treadmill and stop completely for 20s. Variations are endless.

HIIT is great because it transforms what would be a long workout into a much shorter one. 40 minutes of running could be replaced by 20 minutes HIIT running - I personally do a 30s sprint, then 30s jump-onto-the-side-of-the-treadmill and rest. It's exhausting, you will feel it.

Rest Days / Eat Properly!
Finally and most importantly, make sure you have the time and resources to recover! It's great to push your body, but you need to make sure that you give it time to recover or your poor muscles will tear instead of grow. Even worse, you could damage them for the long term. Here are some resources if you want to read why it is important. (1, 2, 3) Even if you don't read them, just know this: your workouts will be FAR more efficient if you rest. When you are hurting the next day? That's good! It means you worked your muscles and they are trying to grow... but they can't unless you let them rest. If you have done a legs-heavy workout the day before, give them a break for a day or two minimum!

This means, if you are doing circuits - try sticking to them 3/4 times a week. I never exceed this because on the days in between, I need to give my body a break. Some light cardio is fine, but make sure you don't overdo it on resistance!

Just as important as resting is fuel - you need to fuel your body properly so it can recover and grow. Not only do you need to watch what you eat before a workout (brown carbs, bananas, high energy but slowly releasing is key here,) you need to bear in mind what you eat after, and your best friend here is protein. Protein helps your body recover and therefore it is essential to making sure your muscles are growing and toning properly. Protein shakes and supplements aren't for everyone, and even though protein bars are huge in range and actually really tasty in my opinion, protein is pretty easy to get. Chicken and turkey are both really high in protein, as is a lot of fish. For vegetarians, eggs (egg whites are allegedly the closest source of pure protein) are the way to go, and tofu also contains a lot of protein. Do a little research and try and eat at last a post workout snack within an hour (but not within 20 minutes) of your workout for optimum recovery.

That's about all the advice I have to give, any questions / any corrections on any advice I have wrongly given out, (although hopefully not!) feel free to leave a comment!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Everyone should watch Anime / In defense of "cartoons"

 I have vanished off the blogosphere and the face of the Earth for a few days, and coincidentally in that time I have watched the first season of Attack on Titan and in doing so, have subsequently ceased to care about anything else. Unable to fill the series hangover that is well into its ... eighth day or so, I've compiled here a little read about why anime is actually wonderful and why everyone needs to watch it. (Look at me here, trying to dictate tastes. I'm even bossy in blog posts.)

 I find Anime is usually dismissed for a few reasons. The first is that like foreign films, people fall under the assumption that it requires an acquired taste, for those who enjoy subtitles (please love yourself and don't watch badly dubbed anime!!!) and for those who care about Japanese culture. The second is the medium itself - everyone knows cartoons are for children. The third is that the terrifying fanbases can put people off, which links to both the first and second reasons - Anime is only for people who are crazily obsessed and who often cross the border.

 Whilst I'll admit I have grown up with it on TV as the alternative to Disney Channels and so on, and therefore probably have a better cultural knowledge of it that makes it more accessible to me, I'll make a case for it actually being really accessible to anyone. A lot of the humour and stylisation of anime (despite the huge range of subgenres, there are definitely conventions to the medium itself,) might seen very - wait for it - foreign to nonviewers, but it's (a) not particularly... difficult to follow or make sense of, and (b) you really do become more accustomed to it the more you watch.

 I'll also suggest that these conventions are what make anime series really good. Series can last anywhere ranging from 6 - 400+ episodes so it really depends what you're after, but because most of them are based on long-running manga series, there is plenty of character and plot development that can take place. Flashbacks and revelations through flashbacks are a really popular device, and the best series utilise plots within plots to give you a really in depth understanding of the characters and the world they inhabit. To touch upon the fictional worlds as well, anime diegeses are usually incredibly complex. Due to the long runtime of series and detail the manga is able to go into, the fictional world and its coherent rules and established and understandable, often expanding as we learn more about plot x and y. A lot of it does require commitment to a series, its characters, and its rules, but that's the joy of 20 minute episodes that there are a LOT of. Easy and fun to consume!

Attack on Titan, found on google.

 Although it's a cartoon and therefore for CHILDREN, anime is actually not for children. Well, some of it is, but a large majority of popular ones that people on the internet rave about (because that's the judging factor we are using here apparently,) are for a teenaged + audience. Plots are thus gory as heck (Attack on Titan being one of the goriest I've seen...) and complicated enough for an intellectual audience (again, depends on the actual genre / anime you choose.) It's pretty easy to get sucked into a series with good characters, promising plot, and a believably set-up yet mysterious fictional diegesis, right?

Ouran High School Host Club, found on Google.

 As said, however, all of this depends on the genre of your choosing. If you prefer romantic-dramas, you'll probably prefer a shoujo anime like the hilarious Ouran High School Host Club (my favourite!) or Toradora, and if you like Sci-Fi you might like mecha like Gurren Lagann or Code Geass. Horror fans might like series such as Elfen Lied, and if you like straight up action, there are ninjas (Naruto,) death gods (Bleach,) and brothers on an epic quest to bring their mother back to life (ish) (Full Metal Alchemist - watch Brotherhood over the normal though.)There is of course, a huge extensive collection of all subgenres within anime so these are just a few off the top of my head, and some of the most well known ones as well.

 Of course, I'm recommending Attack on Titan to anyone for messing me up like few others have done before. Rarely are TV series so expendable on their characters (yes, I do watch Game of Thrones as well,) and the battles are wonderfully gritty and exciting. Predictability is a feature you do need to be wary of due to Anime (or more realistically, the manga they are based off)'s conventions. New series keep things fresh however, and Titan is a huge contender for one of the best things I've seen pretty much ever.

 In short, give something a chance if you're bored. There's a series for everyone, and most of them incorporate all elements into their stories; I've laughed in horror/gory/intense action animes just due to the ridiculous humour and convention and have been left weeping over endings (Chrono Crusade, I'm looking at you.) Either way, it's easy to watch, easy to find, and offers something a little bit different. OH, but it's really addictive. I guess that's why there are so many rabid fans.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Some Good Revision Playlists

I can't just listen to any music when I revise. It needs to be intensely instrumental and inspirational at the same time. I know so many people who listen to the Lord of the Rings soundtrack whilst they work, but as amazing as it is, I usually gravitate towards game soundtracks of my favourite games just because they make me happy. Even if you don't know any of them though, here are some youtube playlists of my favourite ones. They're all beautiful, beautiful pieces of music.

Sometimes I get distracted and insist on humming along to all the instrumental parts.
*Aggressively tries to sing 3 different notes at once*

Final Fantasy IX Piano Collections
Although I literally love ALL the music in all of the games basically, FFIX may be the winner for most of my favourite songs. The piano collection is great because it's got songs of all tempos and they sound beautiful.

Spirited Away Soundtrack
Half the songs on here make me weepy. One of my favourite films of all time as I'm obsessed and grew up with Studio Ghibli as my Disney so half the time these are on I drift into nostalgic memories. The other half, I'm productive.

Suikoden Complete OST
Another game that has a special place in my heart. There is some really gorgeous music on here, and a lot of it is perfect for concentration. And like the others, a change in tempo to get you PUMPED to revise!

Final Fantasy VIII Piano Collections
I tend to gravitate towards the piano collections as they're a bit more relaxing without the multiple instrumental arrangements going on. FF8 has an amazing soundtrack (Fisherman's Horizon is one of my favourite songs ever,) and like IX, is lovely to listen to in the background whilst you be productive.

Anyway there are four of my favourite ones! I will stop making lists of youtube videos and posting them as "blog posts" soon. I also like keeping these up here because now it's easy for me to find them all... Happy revision!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Revision Season

 Favourite time of the year has once again spring upon us. To be fair, I think it gets a little hate. Once I get into the happy zone where I feel like I'm being productive, I don't mind it too much. I like creating my own schedule.

That being said, I think the record attention span I've held in the last few weeks has been about 15 minutes, so it's not really going as well as it should.

Anyway, here are some photos from the last few weeks.

I honestly didn't get up to anything (even less than usual,) except for a little trip down to London. And of course, as with every single time we go, we went to Constancia for Good Friday dinner! Constancia is an Argentinian steakhouse a short walk away from the flat in Bermondsey, and even though we usually drop 3 digits in the bill, it's never a disappointment. Mind, I wouldn't know, because I eat the exact same thing every time.

Nice weather making me happy! I'm still smashing through my circuits, even if I'm hurting for longer as they get harder. So nice doing them outside, although I renewed my gym membership and went this morning. I know it shouldn't matter... but I am a bit conscious regarding people watching my silly repetitive actions (probably doing the difficult ones wrong too) with raised eyebrows!

We get to walk past this every night on our way home! Tower Bridge is so pretty when lit up. Of course, it's nothing on the lights of home... been feeling really homesick lately.

CONSTANCIA!!! Even thinking about it is making me want to go back so bad. The sad little bowl of porridge I just had can NOT compare.

We went to watch Need For Speed per Joe's request at the Odeon before a Chinatown dinner on our last night. Food was good, even if I kept dropping into Chinese at certain points when ordering. (Didn't want to seem like I was showing off or anything....)

Anyway, I've been nominated by Lauren over at Tangible Treasures for the inspiring blog award which is pretty cool. I'd love to do more proper blogging and networking but really don't have the time to at the moment (I could, but I know I wouldn't stop,) but I'll put it my seven facts and recommend you go and read her blog!

FACTS (In no order)

1. I love, love, love classical soundtrack music. My favourite composer is Joe Hisaishi who is most known for his work on a load of Ghibli films. I also have all the Final Fantasy piano collections on my iTunes for when doing work/revision/relaxing.

2. I hate onions to the point where it's basically a phobia. I won't eat one and won't have them anywhere near me.

3. I get really bad collector tendencies. I had huge collections of beanie babies and pokemon toys and all the such as a child, and I have to be really consciously careful to not start 'collecting' stuff (running tops is a pretty weird one.) 

4. South America is the only continent (if you are the type to count it as one) that I haven't been to (excluding the arctics...) I love traveling.

5. My family on my mother's side doesn't speak English.

6. I really really want to run a half marathon either next year or the one after. Just to do it.

7. I can't do anything in my room if it isn't tidy. It drives me SO MAD.

That's about it for my facts then! Tried to pick ones people wouldn't know. Although if you've dined with me you probably know I'll cry if an onion is near me.

Good luck with revision everyone, you'll be delighted to know my next post will be about my next new Pokemon obsession! (No, I never stop.)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Top 10 Favourite Disney Moments

Okay, I keep opening up new posts, start writing some stuff and ending up staring at the screen blankly, uninspired. I guess I need to just start writing about things that really interest me - there are a few topics that will get me rambling on for hours, and most of them are to do with pop culture. I was sitting happily revising as usual in the living room (that sentence has two lies in it...) when the TV, which my boyfriend had put on for "background noise," suddenly changed to a program about the 30 best Disney moments and I instantly tuned in and forgot about everything else in the world.

I've turned into a massive sop lately and recently watching things has been a nightmare as I find myself getting very overly attached and emotional at the most non-emotional things (pokemon tv series battles for example,) but anyway, here are my favourite moments. There's barely an order, and there isn't really a list of factors asides from "makes me feel mushy inside," but I figured if I'm happy to write about this, I may as well post it.

YES all of these are musical numbers. I love a good musical number and Disney really does the best ones.

10. Be Our Guest - Beauty and the Beast

I can't do a French accent except for when I'm singing along to this. Weirdly, I only noticed the magic of this sequence the first time I saw the Disney Philharmagic Orchestra 3D show at Disneyland, but it's so much FUN! Lumiere is one hell of a performer and you can't say that kitchen utensils singing and dancing doesn't warm your heart. It's just as well they stop there and don't animate the food as well cos I could imagine that would get very dark suddenly.

09. Everybody Wants to Be A Cat - The Aristocats

 This is a collection of some very talented felines, and I definitely wanted to be a cat during this sequence. Isn't Thomas O'Malley the coolest? I remember I had this song on one of my Disney sing-a-long tapes when I was younger and I definitely wanted to be Thomas O'Malley. Big dreams for a six year old girl, huh.

08. Prince Ali - Aladdin
 Another shout out to my Disney sing-a-long video tapes. Aladdin is chock full of amazing songs and musical sequences but Prince Ali was always my favourite. Just look at all the THINGS in it! Robin Williams does a phenomenal job singing as the genie, making this number so fun and energetic. I love Jasmine's eye roll and dismissal at all this spectacle, because I would have been very impressed. (I guess that's why she's such a cool princess.)

07. He Lives In You - The Lion King 2
 I love the Lion King 2. I don't care about its lack of critical acclaim, it's got a decent story, Simba, Timon, Pumbaa, and some beautiful songs. I couldn't actually choose which musical number was my favourite but I picked the opening because (a) I heard it live quite recently watching The Lion King at the West End and (b) it's so emotional. Given that Mufasa's death was one of the most touching and emotional fictional deaths ever probably - I used to cry myself into hysterics and was banned from watching The Lion King at one point - having a whole song dedicated his memory

06. I'll Make a Man Out Of You - Mulan
Is there a more motivational song? Boxing, fighting, sports films of all kinds have used training montages since the very beginning but nothing pumps me up more than seeing Mulan go from useless to her kicking Li Shang's BUTT. A definite crowd pleaser, I can't count how many times someone suddenly starts belting it before a physical task.

05. You Can Fly! - Peter Pan
Disney's Peter Pan is the ultimate story for kids who never want to grow up - pretty much everyone. Transforming the lives of the Darlings and taking them from their ordinary lives in London to Neverland via FLIGHT was absolute magic on the screen.

04. Zero to Hero - Hercules
This number was mainly chosen because of the Muses. I would happily watch any film with them narrating. I wish more Disney films were animated in the style of Hercules too - the colours are absolutely astounding throughout and this number is no exception. Another song chosen for how fun and uplifting it is. Can't help but cheer for Herc, even if Hades is a whole lotta fun.

03. Let It Go - Frozen
 Everyone's probably heard this song one too many times recently, but you can't deny it's not going to go down as being one of the most iconic Disney moments. Frozen was a massive achievement in animation and its Oscar winning song is proof of that. The moment of catharsis that happens just as the chorus kicks in is amazing and it's so beautifully animated. Also helps that it's a great song too, just saying.

02. Colours Of The Wind - Pocahontas

Not only is this song beautiful, but it sums up such a great message. I absolutely love Pocahontas, as unaccurate as it is. It's relatively simple in story and has a great - even if overly obvious - environmental message. Colours of the Wind is beautiful in both song and animation.

01. Be Prepared - The Lion King

Okay, so I've included a Lion King 2 song and a Lion King 1 song that isn't the circle of life... but just listen to this! Disney has some pretty amazing villains who I love almost more than the protagonists (I'm looking at Hades and Cruella in particular,) but Scar has got to be the winner here. No one seems to have as much fun as he does being evil, and he does it with such an attitude. PLUS, Be Prepared is clever in lyrics, great fun to sing and is beautifully animated... even with the third reich of hyenas. I would watch a whole film where it's just Scar singing about being evil.

There are so many other amazing films I haven't mentioned and an abundance of Disney songs that I frequently sing yet have not included, but if I was to include all my favourites it would pretty much just be the whole Disney musical number catalog! Hope this gives you a bit of inspiration to go onto youtube and waste away a few hours just watching musical numbers like I frequently do!

Friday, March 28, 2014

March Healthy Eats & Detox

I'm back! Not just back here, back in the UK! Okay, so I've been back for a week now, but surely everyone knows you need at least a week to adjust back to this miserable cold weather? Especially when I've been in sunny France, right? Whilst a ski tour update will have to wait until I finally sort through and put the photos up, here is a little update featuring... drumroll!... FOOD.

Really couldn't beat this view... even if the gorgeous sunny weather meant that (a) I got a super attractive goggle tan (b) the snow was slushy as something you would find in cone with little fruit bits in it.

 I skied to Switzerland! Which is pretty cool, especially as I can't really ski. I didn't quite go down the Swiss Wall but went around some way. (I'm not sure what way. I may have spent 5 days skiing the resort but I could barely find my way back to the hotel using the one run that gets us back there.)

Now that I am stranded on a remote island in the middle of nowhere, (I'm not even kidding... my boyfriend happens to live on a private island in the Lake District, and you need a boat to get to the rest of the town...!) I've decided to use this time to revise, apply for jobs, and cook and eat healthy meals! I generally eat quite well but a week out on the alps with twenty-ish of my good friends, pretty expensive supermarkets and a tightly-packed schedule has left me feeling not my best. PLUS, a whole week of NOT RUNNING? You can bet I was terrified I would be five minutes in huffing and panting and giving up - I get pretty bad "IF I DON'T RUN AT LEAST X TIMES A WEEK I WILL BE AWFUL," I guess my last few start-running-agains have left me with bad experiences.

Anyway, accusations against my body were unfounded as I managed 6k with Joe when we arrived up in the Lake District... even if it was slightly painful, it was more due to me coughing my lungs out. As I tell everyone - because all I do is talk about running - I can't really run in the cold weather. As someone used to running in hot humidity, the cold air hits my chest pretty badly. A few quick google searches (bloody millenial habits,) suggest that cold air is just generally a problem for those who don't run in it (i.e. stubborn girls who run like maniacs on the treadmill then fall apart of frostbite the minute they break into a jog outside.) However, as something with not-great lungs anyway, I'll be wrapping a scarf around my face and nose for an ultra-sleek, on-trend winter look an extra layer of face protection, as that's what many websites suggest. And STAY TUNED for more super exciting news!

Anyway, here is one of the first documented 'super easy BUT I still scarfed in down in about 3 seconds flat' meals we made this week! A very simple lemon-roasted veggies and sea bass plate. Me and Joe only had sea bass for the first time a few weeks ago and as it so happened, on that day, sea bass was EXACTLY WHAT WE WANTED, even though we had never had it before. It was just so perfectly catered to what we'd been craving for dinner, so we went for it again at the supermarket.

Anyway, this was pretty simple: chuck the oven on, cover everything with freshly squeezed lemon juice, and roast until cooked! (MAN, roasted broccoli is good! I only got the recommendation on ski tour and I may not ever go back.) 

You don't need lemon slices on the plate, I actually just put them there to make the photograph a bit 'fancier.' 

Asides from our first day's run, the weather's been a bit rubbish so I've been doing my workouts indoors - we set up the treadmill downstairs so I kind of have a little home gym! Except it's COLD down there as it's the garden room.

We're also looking after Joe's puppies who are sixteen weeks old now. They may be cute, but they are SO mischievous! I've already had my wellies kidnapped and I've been fighting with them over the 3kg DUMBELLS of all things. 

This is a deceptive outfit. I've been bundling up in about three thousand layers here. I've also managed to lose one of my favourite mittens today, and I'm still a bit in shock.

The next two pictures are the delicacy from two nights ago! I'm kind of obsessed with vegetables so we usually have a salad with every meal (minus breakfast...) and it usually ends up being the same things in it. This time, based on the success of my recommended pesto chicken on ski tour, we decided to go for a pasta salad! Whilst I could happily eat veggies for every meal without so much as a carb, boys generally won't agree with that so I cooked up a portion of pasta to stick in the salad and it made it a whole lot more filling/more of an acceptable meal for the boyfriend.

This had: roasted peppers, aubergine and tomatoes with a little oil, salt and pepper, garden salad leaves (pre-bagged,) mixed salad leaves, pasta, quinoa (accidentally made loads so just put it all in because health benefits,) lentils, an avocado and various beans. We also put chicken cooked with pesto in! (PROOOTEIN) Dressing was extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice - only a splash of all, and hummus!

All mixed together in my plate/bowl! Plate/bowls are the superior combination of both their pre-evolved forms. Especially if you're an unfortunately messy eater like me and usually end up with food everywhere. They do not, unfortunately, stop food getting in your hair. 

Keswick is full of these quaint and lovely little cake shops. Didn't take any pictures of actual cakes, but a few days ago I had a gluten free almond and peanut cake - I don't eat gluten free but will occasionally substitute when there is a yummy looking alternative - and today I had a carrot! Still going strong into lent, although there is NO chance that I am NOT going to devour a horrid amount of malteaser bunnies when it's over.

The rest of the time has been slowly ambling through starting to revise, (I won't quite dignify it with the word 'revision' yet,) applying for jobs in the big scary world, and we're not just playing Pokemon now, but watching it. I'll post the Pokemon update in a separate post though, to try and keep things a bit tidier and so I look a bit cooler than I actually am. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

❤️ SPRING! ❤️ (Or "Look how easily a seemingly normal blog post turns to Pokemon")

 Just to get back into it, here is a little recap of my last few days, and some photos off my instagram/phone. It's finally warming up again! I now say that with DELIGHT, and no longer the hatred of my old sun-hating vampiric self. It's amazing what living in the World's gloomiest country does to you.

P.S. Listen to this! It's wonderful!

 Yesterday/Today General Life Stuff etc. etc.  

Yesterday me and Sophie went to the Solihull shopping center as it's the only place with an Apple store in a bazillion mile radius. It turned out to be a lovely day so we spent quite a while wandering around outside in the sun dotting from shop to shop.

Sitting in Starbucks waiting for our Apple shop appointment. Got the best people watching seats! Not that there was anything interesting going on because it was a Friday afternoon PRE gaggle-of-school-kids arriving time. (YES, for Fridays off!) (And the gaggles of school kids arrived as we were leaving thank god.)

I got the exact same thing from TGI's as I did the first (which was also the most recent) time I went because I have a tendency of clinging obsessively to my favourite foods in any place I go and being afraid of change. WHAT IF I MISS OUT ON A CHANCE TO EAT MY VERY FAVOURITE THING BECAUSE I'VE CHOSEN A SUBPAR THING?! Nope. 

TGI's also got a +1 because they have an allergy menu meaning Sophie can eat there! Always an exciting revelation. There was only one starter on the menu but there was a load of hummus on it and I love hummus so much that I can't see how that could potentially be a bad thing. 

In between all the food we managed to eat - we had to have a lot of powerbreaks - we also managed to do a bit of shopping. I'm actually really good when it comes to spontaneous shopping... I don't have the money to go out and buy stuff-that's-not-necessary for myself a lot - and when I do, I prioritise stupid stuff rather than things like clothes and accessories. HOWEVER, I haven't had to pay a stupid amount of money to silly things this month so it means I'm able to get stuff!!! I didn't actually buy a lot as I'm still in a stingy mindset and trying to only get ~ what I really really need want ~

Main things were more cute lil' socks to wear, some ribbon-y hair ties and a new pair of sunglasses as there's a chance I might get to use them soon! I also got a pair of shoes which I'm in love with but it's really more for the fact that my old boots are falling apart and now when I wear them when the ground's wet my feet get wet and there are really very few things worse than that. 

Today, meanwhile, was the first day I did not have to wear a coat!!! I got to wear a jacket instead which is kind of annoying as I need to dig out a lot of my jackets now and I don't know where half of them are. Today feeling like Spring gave us an excuse to walk to Subway for lunch and then it meant I could go pick up my bosu ball which finally arrived!

I'm a bully who makes my boyfriend take photos of me when I'm super pleased about the little bow thing I've got in my hair.

Apart from that, all I've really been doing is researching for my Psychopathology essay "Explore representations of Mental Illness in popular contemporary films and potential ethical implications" or something like that, haven't actually figured out the title, and playing Pokemon!!

This was the real point of making this post.


Last time I played it was on my DS BUT me and Joe, after binge-watching Kanto season 1 on netflix the last week, decided to actually start playing it. Last time we played it together ended in a series of horrific fights over each other's playing techniques, who we wanted on our teams, and how to do everything basically. This time, we decided to play the same game, at the same time, separately, which actually makes a whole lot more sense.

In playing Soul Silver now, my team is currently Quilava, Wooper, Hoot Hoot & Flaafy. I've always been a grass starter type, mainly due to my eternal love for Bulbsaur. But frequent disappointments in the latest games mean I generally end up using the fire or water starters. I've played with all starters in Gen II (although It's technically Gen IV as it's the remake OF a Gen II game..) and went with Cyndaquil this time - maybe mostly to do with FLAME WHEEL - ! (Joe went with Totodile.) I also end up getting Hoot Hoot and Mareep purely because I love their evolved forms and I'm one of those people who likes having a full team early on, so you can have a nice balanced team.

I'd forgotten how much I loved these games. The perfect combination of adventure exploring and battle action! Plus the graphics are looking so good - the games were great even when they weren't - and I just love the strategising that comes with rpgs. I'm pretty sure my childhood love for the games led to my later obsessions with other RPGS (read: Final Fantasy & Zelda in particular) and I can remember as a child, playing on my first gameboy with barely any clue what was actually going on but still LOVING IT.

Next gym up is Goldenrod (oh no) so that means Whitney (oh no) and Miltank (oh no.) Normal gyms are always so hard. It's like they have to compensate for the fact that in general, normal pokemon just aren't...very good. (Except now they've turned half of them fairy ugh grumble.) I mean, everyone hates rollout and upon looking at Pokemon stats... SLAKING IS RIGHT UP THERE WITH LEG/PSUEDO-LEG what is up with that. (I'm looking at YOU, Norman-from-Petalberg) 

This post has been a bit of a crazy mess BUT I kind of know where I'm going. I'll probably post a little Pokemon update at the end of each entry depending on where I am, but will also try and post more actual content as well. I seem to just make lists all the time now, but not of anything really interesting!

Enjoy the sunshine everyone, IT WON'T LAST.